MetaMask Wallet

If you've lost access to your MetaMask wallet, due to a forgotten password or misplaced seed phrase - We're here to help you regain access and recover your funds.

To start the recovery process, kindly submit the contact form, describing the issue you're facing and we will promptly reply with the steps necessary to start the recovery process.

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MetaMask Wallet Recovery
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How to recover your MetaMask Wallet

MetaMask, a popular Ethereum-based wallet, is a browser extension allowing users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem. Renowned for its user-friendly interface, it's crucial for many decentralized applications (DApps).

Retrieving Your Encrypted MetaMask Wallet File

Before proceeding with advanced recovery, it's essential to extract the encrypted wallet file from the MetaMask extension. Here's how you can retrieve it based on your operating system:

Navigate to C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn

(Replace 'USER_NAME' with your actual username.)

Select and compress all the files inside the folder to a single ZIP file, share it with us, and we can assist further in the recovery process.

Need help recovering your password or seed?

At Brute Brothers, we've developed techniques and tools tailored to assist users in regaining access to their MetaMask wallet, whether it's a lost password or a partial seed phrase.

MetaMask's security model

MetaMask users are equipped with a 12-word seed phrase, essential for wallet recovery. Besides, a password set by the user ensures wallet encryption. Keeping both the seed and password secure is imperative for safeguarding your assets.

Recovering your MetaMask password or seed

Misplacing your seed or forgetting your password isn't the end. Your seed phrase can always restore your wallet, but the password is pivotal for decryption. As MetaMask is self-custodial, no third party can aid in password resets or seed retrievals. Here, specialized recovery methods can be your savior.

Manual recovery

List down potential passwords that come to mind. For instance, if "EtherSecure123" sounds familiar, variations like "EtherSecure124" or "EtherSecure321" might also be possibilities. Attempt these passwords in MetaMask. If unsuccessful, move to the next guess.

Seed Recovery

If you recall portions of your seed, note down the words. MetaMask seeds are aligned with the BIP39 word list, which can potentially help in recalling other seed words. Even with partial seeds, our tools can optimize the recovery chances.

Advanced recovery methods

While manual attempts might work, advanced tools can streamline the process, especially when dealing with multiple password guesses or partial seed phrases.

Oliver W
United States

Lost access to my ETH in Metamask after an update. Brute Brothers came through and recovered everything quickly. A bit of a wait for support, but well worth it in the end.

Oct 15, 2024
Daniel P

I was locked out of my Metamask wallet and thought all my ETH was gone. Brute Brothers came through and recovered everything. Amazing service!

Jun 2, 2024
Vadim K

Couldn't access my ETH in my Metamask wallet due to a forgotten password. Brute Brothers helped me find the right password. Truly lifesaving!

Dec 27, 2023
Sarah P

Big thanks to the Brute Brothers! They got my ETH back after I messed up my Metamask password. Fast service.

Oct 21, 2023
Jackson W

Metamask failed me, but Brute Brothers did not. They managed to recover my lost ETH. Highly satisfied.

Aug 4, 2023

Please include the following information

  • Wallet type
  • Type of coins inside the wallet
  • Amount of coins inside the wallet
We respond to all submissions within 48 hours.
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